Hong Kong

Renminbi deposits in Hong Kong surge

Amount is 10 times higher than 2009.

DBS Hong Kong launches first RMB Index for VVinning Enterprises

It tracks the actual usage of RMB among Hong Kong companies.

HKMA to consult banks about phases-in LCR

Wants banks not to weaken liquidity to comply with Basel III.

Excess CNH liquidity won't be an issue: BOCHK

Hong Kong banks can easily transfer CNH to their mainland subsidiaries.

China Everbright Bank granted licence in HK

There are now 155 licensed banks in Hong Kong.

HKMA warns of fraudulent website

No, www.winghggroup.com is not the official website of Wing Hang Bank.

UBS to face Hong Kong interest rate misconduct probe

Hong Kong is investigating UBS over the Asian financial center’s benchmark interest rate.

Check out the differences between QE1/2 and QE3 for Hong Kong banks

Barclays expects further capital inflows under QE3 to lead to abundant liquidity in Hong Kong.

BOCHK now has less HK$ liquidity risk

Thanks to steady growth in its offshore RMB business.

Why BEA does not need to raise equity capital in the near term

It recently placed 111.6m new shares to Sumitomo Mitsui Bank.

Citigroup to cut more than 11,000 jobs

It plans to shut down 15 branches in Korea and 7 in Hong Kong.