Assets of BDO and subsidiaries rise 13%
The Philippines’ largest bank said combined assets increased to US$30.8 billion.
BDO Unibank Inc. said its assets and those of its financial subsidiaries’ grew by 13.3% last year from US$27 billion year-on-year. It also reported a growth in liabilities by 8.74% to US$27 billion in 2012 from US$24.8 billion the year before.
Non-performing loans fell by 13.7% to US$277 million in 2012 from US$322 million the year before. The ratio of NPLs to total loan portfolio also improved to 1.5% last year from 2% in 2011.
Stockholders’ equity grew by 62.9% to US$3.8 billion last year from US$2.4 billion in 2011.The bank’s capital adequacy ratio rose to 19% in 2012 from 15.6% in 2011. Its Tier-1 capital ratio increased to 15.2% last year from 10% in 2011.
BDO’s financial subsidiaries include BDO Elite Savings Bank Inc., BDO Private Bank Inc., BDO Capital & Investment Corporation, BDO Leasing and Finance Inc., BDO Remit (USA) Inc., BDO Strategic Holdings Inc., Express Padala Frankfurt GmbH, Express Padala (Hong Kong) Ltd., PCIB Europe SPA, PCIB Securities Inc. and BDO Insurance Brokers Inc.