
China’s Agriculture Bank IPO targets $28bln

Lender kicked off the pre-marketing process for the $10bln-$15bln from Hong Kong and $8.9bln-$13bln Shanghai IPO.

China’s Agriculture Bank IPO targets $28bln

Lender kicked off the pre-marketing process for the $10bln-$15bln from Hong Kong and $8.9bln-$13bln Shanghai IPO.

BOJ to redirect money to industries with growth potential

As a long-term approach to beating deflation, the Bank of Japan is expected to announce details of a new loan scheme amidst Europe debt woes.

India to inject $1.32bln to state-run banks

The government aid worth 62.11 billion rupees will be injected into five state-run banks for their capital and lending needs.

StanChart ruled out interest in acquiring KEB

SC First Bank Chief Executive, Richard Hill, said their strategy in Korea is an organic one.

Regulator authorizes Agricultural Bank of China’s IPO

Move ends speculations on deferment of $30bln IPO due to lukewarm interest and concerns.

SBI mulls launching $4.27bln rights issue in 2011

India government eyed to subscribe in the multibillion rights issue to take place in H2FY11.

Societe Generale unit and Japaninvest join forces

Alliance expected to offer coverage representing 25% of global market capitalisation.

Study reveals Generation Y worry about financial prospects

74% of Gen Ys have specific saving goals while only 27% have concrete saving plans.

Bank of Shanghai strikes deal with China Mobile

Agreement will enable Bank of Shanghai to promote China Mobile's mobile payment services.

CIMB Niaga to sell $162mln worth of bonds

Lender will use the 7-year, AA- rated subordinated bonds to fund car and micro loans.

ANZ hires Morgan Stanley as acquisition adviser

ANZ eager to acquire Bank Panin for $1.3bln as Gunawan family sells 46% of Indonesian lender.

Punjab National Bank hires banks for $100mln loan

PNB avails itself of services of four international banks after meeting with Taiwan and Singapore lenders.

MasterCard collaborates with Bank of China for MoneySend

Tie-up brings product to China to make money transfer simpler and more efficient for their cardholders.

Fitch upgrades Taiwanese state-controlled banks' national short-term ratings

Revised ratings for 3 lenders due to their strong liquidity position.

BoCom slashes rights issue plan by 20%

Downsizing to $4.8bln from $6.14bln may prompt AgBank to lower its $30bln target.

NAB acquires TierOne Bank of Nebraska

$76mln deal will add 69 US branches to NAB's US network and $2.2bln in new deposits.

More foreign banks eager to enter India

Possible easing on banking regulation encourages up to 8 foreign lenders to establish unit.