7 of Taiwan`s top-10 syndicated banks are gov`t-linked
Country’s total loans of top-10 syndicated lenders amounted to US$2.5bln led by Taiwan Cooperative at US$544mln.
The total syndicated loans extended by 43 banks in Taiwan amounted to US$4.45 billion in the first quarter of this year, surging 78.21% from that of last year, according to the statistics released by Bloomberg, a major financial information provider.
In the same quarter the top 10 syndicated lender were all domestic banks, with seven being government-linked banks and three private banks, which together offered combined syndicated loans of US$4.282 billion, almost double 2009`s corresponding US$2.497 billion.
Taiwan Cooperative Bank was the largest syndicated lender at US$544 million and Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank the second largest with US$444 million. Bank of Taiwan and Land Bank of Taiwan closely followed with US$416 million and US$397 million, respectively. However, Land Bank led with 15 syndicated loan cases, the highest.
The manufacturing industry took the lion`s share of 31.63% of the total syndicated loans while financial industry and information & communication technology (ICT) industry followed with respective percentage of 28.53% and 26.7%.
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