Here's why you must attend the 2017 ABF Retail Banking Forum Manila

It will be held on February 15 at the Makati Shangri-La.

Asian Banking and Finance is kicking off its 6-city road show with the Manila leg, and attendees can expect insightful presentations and panel sessions around digitalisation and AML issues in this year's Retail Banking Forum Manila.

Liew Nam Soon, EY's managing partner for ASEAN Financial Services, is this year's thought leader and he will be discussing about The Digital Banking Landscape: Rise of the FinTechs: What is the current consumer perception towards retail banks and how do they remain relevant in this digital transformation age where customers are becoming more receptive towards alternative financial services providers? With the rise of fintech innovations, how do banks stay competitive and leverage these innovations like robotics, blockchain and robo advice to help them in their digital transformation journey to retain and win over new customers?

Banks are faced with the task of money laundering prevention amidst highly digitised platforms. In fact, 2016 has seen some of the most controversial AML cases, such as the $81m money laundering case in Asia. So it’s only fitting that we discuss AML processes as well as the use of Robotics Process Automation (RPA) in KYC in one of the panel sessions at the Forum, which will be joined by representatives from EY, Fiserv, Experian, and Unionbank. How do banks balance regulators’ expectations with operational efficiency and good customer experience? What risks and opportunities does the use of RPA pose in such processes?

Key representatives from Security Bank, RCBC, Federation of Metro Manila Rural Banks, and PBCom will also be discussing about the country’s attempts at launching initiatives aimed at digitalisation and mobile banking.

Rajiv Madane of Fiserv and Sujatha Venkatramanan of Experian will also share about Innovation for Cards and Payments and What It Takes to become a Digital Challenger, respectively.

The Manila leg will be held on February 15 at the Makati Shangri-La from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM.

If you are interested to attend, you may contact Nikki Quiniquini at [email protected] or at +65 3158 1386 ext 238.

More information about the event can be found here.

The 2017 Retail Banking Forum will also be held in five other key cities across the region, namely Bangkok, Jakarta, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Hong Kong.

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